Friday, September 30, 2011

Fiber Arts Friday ~ Making progress

I've slowly been making progress on spinning my yarn for the Stripe Your Fancy Shawl.  Last weekend, I was invited to demonstrate spinning at 4 Musketeers Alpaca Farm during their Alpaca Farm Days event.

Oops...I spent all my time spinning....okay.... and talking, and didn't take even one photo.  What was I thinking?  I did manage to get one bobbin filled and about half of the companion bobbin.
You can't really tell from this photo but the bobbin I'm currently spinning has a lot of bling, bling in it.  Of course, it really doesn't help when I try to take pictures on overcast days like today.  My plan is to ply these two together on my new Lendrum.....I can hardly wait to try it out!

Alice also comes and spins with me at the 4 Musketeers.  She is a fabulous spinner.  She usually only spins for her enjoyment but for this event she brought both spun yarn and some finished goods to sell.    She spins very, very fine singles and then likes to ply 3..4..even 5 singles together.  Her yarns are clean, uniform and just plain awesome!  I fell in love with this one......
It's 793 yds....3 ply natural colors.... in fingering weight.  Yep...fingering weight.  I find this just unbelievable and could not leave without it being mine.  As a friend said when I shared this with her...just imagine how far this skein would reach if those 3 singles were placed end to end?....  unbelieveable!  I'm not sure what project I'll will be making with it...but for now I'm just enjoying looking and touching it.  Whatever it will be a wonderful memory of a weekend spent with friends.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.....Happy Fiber Arts Friday!!


  1. What a great post! I'm excited to see your skein all plied (so pretty) and to hear more about your new wheel. The skein from your friend Alice is quite amazing, especially when you consider all the skill and work that went into creating it!

  2. Your yarn looks lovely, I can't wait to see it plied. Yes, Alice is a rock star spinner.

  3. Those are both gorgeous yarns! Have fun with your new wheel - always exciting to have new fiber tools to play with.

  4. Beautiful yarn -- you inspire me!

    I just bought a Lendrum earlier this summer and love it. I hope you enjoy yours.

  5. Your yarn is so rich and lustrous. It must feel wonderful to work with!


  6. Almost 800 yards fingering weight yarn, that's a good sized shawl or a cute little top. But then some of my yarns in the stash are just there for me to look at, and fondle.
